Thursday, January 18, 2024

Day of Divine appointments

We as a team often pray that God would prepare hearts and connect us with the people that we can best identify with.  Today we had several examples of God's sovereignty in preparing the way before us.

The medical team saw many people with more complex needs including depression over family needs and being separated from people they love.  We often say that "we are all in evangelism" and today we were able to meet physical needs, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and infections, with medications but also to pray with people.  We could honestly say " I can't ... but I know a Guy"   People responded that they came to the brigade depressed but left feeling more hopeful after being connected with God and people who care about them.

The pharmacy team diligently worked to provide medications requested by the medical team.  Thank you to Betsy who filled in last minute when several of our team members stayed back at the mission house due to illness.  Thank you also to Rachel who filled in last minute in evangelism.

The optical team noticed that elders were honored by being allowed first in line and children who struggled with seeing the blackboard could leave with improved sight.  We hope that the gift of physical sight is paired with eyes being opened to the light of Christ.

The children's team had more space to work and when the number of children dwindled the promise of new sunglasses was able to swell the ranks.  Children were given a salvation bracelet to remind them that Jesus blood washes them white as snow. (cue the wordless book song).

The water filter team provided filters to change dirty water to free, clean, healthy water and compared this to Christ cleaning us up from lives of sin and making us pure.  The filters are free just as God's salvation is free.  Today's team had to contend with pet rabbits, birds, turtles and rabid dogs but persevered in completing their mission.

The painting team reenacted the loaves and fishes (but with paint) as the porous walls soaked up more paint.  The rooms were completed despite this challenge.

The evangelism team prayed with people seeking deliverance from alcohol abuse as well as other needs.  One gentleman in a wheelchair with amputations and others needs was known to sit outside the church listening as he was not able to commit to forgiving his family who had wronged him and felt that by entering church he would have to forgive them.  He was paired, in God's plan, with one of our team members and with a translator that had experienced severe trauma at the hands of her father, and she was able to share how she forgave her father and how this act gave other family members pause to consider why she had done this.  She was able to share that she did this because of God's love in her heart.  He is considering this and plans to return to the brigade tomorrow to discuss this further.

Stay tuned for the continuing saga of God's Divine appointments in Honduras.