On Saturday the Medical Serve Team traveled home, but 5 of us stayed for a second week and one new person joined us at Rancho Ebenezer, the children's home of World Gospel Outreach. Saturday is basically a travel day, but on Sunday we had a lot of time with the kids at the Ranch. We took all our meals in the Comedor/Capilla with the kids and we led the church service there too. In the afternoon there was a game time with the kids followed by time on the campo playing soccer, American football, and volleyball.
Jan began the church service with a song and a recitation of the story of the three trees, which end up being used for the manger in which Christ was born; the boat in which Jesus calmed the storm; and the cross on which Jesus was crucified. Brenda led a skit using special glasses to see beyond the outward appearances to better understand people and related it to how God sees into our hearts to understand us.
Besides accomplishing some maintenance work, our hope this week is to build into the lives of the kids, show them some love and give them some encouragement. Today was just the beginning of that process, but we've already had good interactions with a number of kids.
Steve and Kris Nelson are our hosts this week and they graciously invited us to watch the Chiefs/Bills game at their house this evening. Sorry Bills fans.
At The Ranch
Game Time
A Birthday Celebration