Like we are told every year, the trip to Rancho Ebenezer will go on rain or shine. We experienced all the weather elements this time around (apart from snow). One minute it was raining one minute it was windy and the next the clouds were parting, sun shining bright. Despite some unfortunate rain at times, we were blessed with the amazing presence of a rainbow to finish off our visit to the ranch, picacho, and valley of the angels.
During our ranch visit, many of us were able to reconnect with their sponsor children or even meet them for the very first time! As always, the kids were full of energy and joy at the opportunity to get outside of the classroom and play for a bit. Some were running around playing tag, climbing the jungle gym, running a game of four square, or showing us all up in a game of basketball. Surprisingly, no soccer game took place this year - likely due to the wet and muddy conditions. We rounded out our tour of Rancho Ebenezer by watching how the world-famous Honduran coffee is processed. For all those who were wondering, it is made with love from both the Ranch workers and WGO children - once they are old enough to work on the agricultural aspects of the ranch.
After the ranch, we made our way to El Picacho where many of our newcomers were more than excited to see the famous Jesus statue with their very own eyes. While some cut the trip short to help Dr. Todd organize donated glasses for tomorrow and Friday's brigade, most weathered the rain to take a beautiful walk through the park and gaze at the city from high altitude.
While all of this was going on, a handful of our other team members chose to visit and stroll through Santa Lucia and Valley of the Angels. They were able to shop and walk the streets of both places and enjoyed a delicious lunch at Restaurante Manchis. A highlight of the day was purchasing a wine bottle whose logo was designed by our very own WGO coordinator Mario who is also a graphic designer!
Another Beautiful Sunrise
WGO Kids and Their Sponsors