Suddenly it's Friday and there's so much to do. We spent the morning working on Casa Paciencia with the goal of painting as much as possible of the exterior. Unfortunately, the rains came again and put a damper on that. (Pun intended.) At a certain point we moved onto the back porch area for protection from the rain and to use up the paint still in our trays. After that, it was time to clean up, pack up and return tools to the carpentry shop. But of course, since it's Friday things got a little kooky at times as you'll see in the photos below.
A movie and game time was set up between 1 and 3 pm during which we watched all the kids while the Ranch staff had some recreational time together. Those kinds of things can only happen when a team is here and we were happy to make it happen.
By 4:00 the rains had stopped, and the sun was shining again so the kids were on the campo. We went to enjoy one last time to play with them. But the big event of the day and perhaps the week was the hot dog roast over a campfire at the gazebo. Those kids consumed a LOT of hot dogs. They also got the cookies that were baked during the week. And yes, Tom and Martin finally got some cookies too. It was a beautiful evening. A sliver of the moon and Jupiter, Venus and Mars were all clearly visible in the night sky.
Everyone had a chance to share a few thoughts at the campfire, and it was really impressive to see a number of young children stand up and thank us for spending time with them and for making the various special events possible during the week. Similarly, some of the counselors (house parents) shared the same sentiments.
The Nelson's invited us up to their house for a debrief of the week after the campfire. Getting to know the kids was one of the highlights shared by all of us. In particular, those of us who were able to spend significant time with our sponsor children really appreciated it.
Saturday is our travel day back to the U.S. Thank you for following us this week. We look forward to seeing all of you soon.
Friday Hijinks
At The Campfire