Monday, January 28, 2019

Update from the Ranch Team

After Tom blogged on Sunday, the team enjoyed some fellowship time with Caleb and Reagan, who came separately to the Ranch as missionaries, fell in love, and married last fall! Hearing their story was an affirmation of how God weaves together our lives in truly wondrous ways.

Monday's been a full day, as Ken laid out the projects we might tackle throughout the week. The priority is to replace the screens on the back porch of two of the homes. The porches are raised quite high off the ground, since it's very hilly terrain here. So ladders, crowbars and hammers were essential for the demolition that starts most projects at the ranch! While that was going on, another projects was building screens for the various windows inside of several homes. It's a privilege to know we can make the kids' home more pleasant places for them :)

The Ranch team has been blessed to be joined by Doug and Donna Griffith of Joplin, Missouri, who have done short-term missions in another part of Honduras. That organization has closed its project, so they're exploring where God may send them next. They're spending some time at the school and with the Ranch staff, and also helping out with some of our work projects.  It's great to have two extra hands from time to time!

A full and busy day!