Thursday, January 24, 2019

A Slow Start and a Strong Finish

It was back to work at the Serve Team sites today. Thursday is always the tired day of the week. Everyone is a little puffy-eyed at morning devotions but we gain steam during breakfast and by the time we arrive at the churches we are ready to go.

That's a good thing because Team A had long lines of people waiting for them when they arrived at the Iglesia Jehovah Nissi. Thankfully the bus ride wasn't as long as the Monday-Tuesday one.  The weather was great and today's church was in the valley instead of atop the mountains so we enjoyed a beautiful warm and sunny day. (Sorry, but we just had to rub it in for all of you who are experiencing something quite different.)

Team B served at the Iglesia Linaje de Abraham, which is one of the places where we served 5 years ago. Some of the church workers even remembered us. But, when we arrived there were hardly any people, which was strange for such a large church. So, after we got organized and had our opening of songs and prayer, we opened the clinic and then some of us walked through the neighborhood with translators to invite people to the clinic. The personal invitation worked and we ended up having a very busy day.

In our evening sharing time many stories were shared about interesting interactions between us and the people we served. In fact, some of the biggest impacts were the ones made on us by the people we served. Who knew that we weren't just going to the mission field, we are the mission field too.

On Friday we will do it all over. Please pray that we finish well. Thank you for your prayer support throughout this week.

The comraderie that has built up throughout the week has made it fun to serve together. Even though we came from many different churches we are most definitely one team at this point. Friday comes fast and the week ends too quickly, so it will be sad to say our goodbyes on Saturday.

Here are some photos of today's experiences.