Sunday, January 27, 2019

Off to Rancho Ebenezer

The Peace Lutheran Rancho Ebenezer Serve Team has arrived at the World Gospel Outreach childrens home just outside Tegucigalpa Honduras. The team includes Karen Mitchell, Doreen Grass, Terry Bagley, Martin Koster and Tom Brauer. Karen and Doreen just arrived in country on Saturday and Terry, Martin and Tom were part of last week's medical team.

Saturday was a travel day and included an opening orientation given by Ken Avila, WGO's Serve Team coordinator from the Ranch. After settling in, we had a light dinner and then enjoyed some friendly conversation and a chance to interact with Michelle, one of the teachers from the school at the Ranch. But since some of the team had an early arrival we called it a night pretty early.

On Sunday we had an informal church service at Casa Grande followed by lunch in the Capilla. We decided to hike up to the lagoon which is located at the top of the property. We also walked through the banana grove and picked some lemons from the trees in the grove. It was a good way to work off lunch. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed the recreation and relaxation. Tomorrow we go to work on the projects that WGO has lined up for us. More on that later.