It has been three long Covid-interrupted years since we have been able to return to Honduras as a team to serve with World Gospel Outreach. Our team of 18 people from Peace Lutheran Church in Lombard, Illinois along with friends from other area churches and from Colorado, is excited to be heading to Tegucigalpa Honduras for a week of serving Christ by serving the people of Honduras. We are departing the U.S. on Saturday January 14 and returning on the 21st.
While we are there, we will be providing medical, dental and optical services through temporary clinics set up in local churches. At the churches we will have some fun with the kids and wash their hair. We will also be providing water filtration systems in the homes of multiple families. The goal of all of this is to share the Gospel and the love of Christ in a tangible way so that more people will come to know Him as their loving Lord and Savior.
You can help us accomplish our goals by praying for us. Please pray for safe and timely travel to and from Honduras. Please pray for good health for everyone on our team during our trip. And most of all, please pray for Christ to be glorified and people to be saved through our ministry.
We will be posting daily updates on this blog site once we have arrived in Honduras, so please come back to visit.