Perhaps you are checking this blog one last time to see if we made it home as planned on Saturday. I haven't heard from the Colorado or California contingent to confirm that they are safe at home, but the Illinois portion of the group had an easy, if long, trip home and we arrived right on time in Chicago.
We hope you enjoyed reading about and seeing your friend's and family member's activities in Honduras this past week. It was truly an enjoyable week for us and we hope you enjoyed it vicariously with us. Having seen and read what the week is like perhaps you will consider joining us next year. We have already signed up for the week of January 13-20. After all, Christianity isn't a spectator sport. All of us can and should be on the playing field that God draws us to. Put it on the calendar!
Somehow, it's easier to share spiritual truths with people from a different place and culture than in our own culture and communities. Perhaps you are one of the family members or friends that we have a hard time sharing our faith with. If so, please know that we love you even though we might not share the same faith. Most importantly, please know that God loves you and nothing would make Him happier than to have you share eternal life with Him. Faith in Christ opens that door. We invite you to give your friend or family member permission to share their faith with you along with stories of the week in Honduras. Might someone come to faith in Christ after hearing what He did in Honduras this past week? Maybe it's you.