Sunday, January 22, 2023

Maybe It's You

Perhaps you are checking this blog one last time to see if we made it home as planned on Saturday. I haven't heard from the Colorado or California contingent to confirm that they are safe at home, but the Illinois portion of the group had an easy, if long, trip home and we arrived right on time in Chicago. 

We hope you enjoyed reading about and seeing your friend's and family member's activities in Honduras this past week. It was truly an enjoyable week for us and we hope you enjoyed it vicariously with us. Having seen and read what the week is like perhaps you will consider joining us next year. We have already signed up for the week of January 13-20. After all, Christianity isn't a spectator sport. All of us can and should be on the playing field that God draws us to. Put it on the calendar!

Somehow, it's easier to share spiritual truths with people from a different place and culture than in our own culture and communities. Perhaps you are one of the family members or friends that we have a hard time sharing our faith with. If so, please know that we love you even though we might not share the same faith. Most importantly, please know that God loves you and nothing would make Him happier than to have you share eternal life with Him. Faith in Christ opens that door. We invite you to give your friend or family member permission to share their faith with you along with stories of the week in Honduras. Might someone come to faith in Christ after hearing what He did in Honduras this past week? Maybe it's you.


Friday, January 20, 2023

A Rainy Friday

The post office has nothing on us. It rained and we still did children's and adult evangelism outside. Unfortunately, the rain seemed to dampen attendance at the medical brigade, so it was a slower day than usual. Although we didn't see as many people, we are sure that we saw the people we were supposed to see. 

When you see the medical, optical and dental needs and when you hear the spiritual and emotional needs, it's easy to understand why we do this trip every year. The people are beautiful, especially the kids, and their needs are unending. It is a privilege to be here to serve them if only for a week.

When you look at the pictures below, you will probably look for your family member or friend. But please also note the Honduran translator that is helping each of them. We could not do this trip without the translators, and they are wonderful Christian men and women. Say a prayer of thanks for them too.

Steve Potter, in this special note to his church, Trinity Lutheran in Lisle, Illinois captures what most of us have experienced this week. He writes: "There are no words to express the excitement I have experienced on this medical-evangelism trip. It's Friday night and we are done with our medical brigades. We have all served in many different ways and have attended to the needs of almost 1,700 people. It is so exciting to see God at work and to see the results. We will be back in the States on Saturday, and we hope to share our stories with you soon."

Thank you to all our readers who have supported us in prayer this week. It has been a blessing and we invite you to join us in person next year. Bendiciones!






Two Angels




A gift of a quilt to the Pastor

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Thursday: A Day of High-Octane Mission

For many of us on the Peace Team our brigade days start at dawn, watching the sun come up over the mountain ridges encompassing Tegucigalpa. Several people read personal devotions in the dining room, and then we all gather at 6:45 in the meeting room for a short team devotion before breakfast. The theme of this year's team devotion is the significance of rocks in the Bible. Dr. Angelo spoke to us today about rocks used for protection of cities and the precious stones used for the walls of the New Jerusalem described in Revelation. Another key verse was from Psalms 18:2:  The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Our bus ride to the collaborating church this morning was shorter than the ride on Monday and Tuesday. When the bus arrived at a service station/convenience store, more than one of us wondered what the church bano could be like that we needed a comfort stop before arriving there. But we had arrived! The brigade site was in the garage portion of the service station. At first it seemed odd to serve adjacent to gas pumps and warmers full of fried chicken, but God calls us to minister to people where they are. We soon found that God provided all we needed in this location, and the station had a fantastic view overlooking the hills of the city!

Optometrist Todd Robert appreciated the dim lighting inside the garage/church with no windows, which helped during eye exams. Outside, we found that we could show children the truth of the Gospel and the beauty of nature in an open area with a light breeze and a beautiful view. Evangelism stations were set up in the shade of a fuel tanker. God provided for the brigade in a setting that might not have been on our short list of locations.

Tonight, one of our medical people shared the story of a lady who complained that she couldn't sleep and suffered from nervousness. She later revealed her son was murdered two years ago. Doctors can treat her aches and pains, but only the Great Physician can heal heartaches. Still, we are called to be the hands, feet, and voices of Jesus and offer support and encouragement to the hurting.   



The line for the clinic which was in a church behind the gas station.



Fun with bubbles!


A five thousand dollar autorefractor in action.


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

No Work Wednesday

Today was a break from serving at a medical Serve Team site. While three of us stayed behind to organize optical supplies, the rest of us took the long ride out to Rancho Ebenezer which is the Children's Home run by World Gospel Outreach. It's a beautiful place near the little town of San Mattias west of Tegucigalpa.

WGO has been providing nurture, education and spiritual development to orphans and wards of the state for 25 years. The last three years during Covid have been even more challenging than usual for the staff and the kids, and they really seemed to enjoy having a Serve Team visit them once again. 

Eight of our team members are WGOKids child sponsors and we each got to visit with the children we sponsor. It was great! Please check it out on the WGO website and consider sponsoring a child. It's a very rewarding experience and a very worthwhile cause. Another way to support the kids is to join the Coffee Club, which will bring you excellent coffee grown and roasted at Rancho Ebenezer. 

On the way back to the Mission House we took time out to visit El Picacho, which is a park on the top of El Hatillo, the mountain that serves as the northern border of Tegucigalpa. To our surprise, the park was full of Christmas lighting displays and decorations. We walked through the park to see the replica Mayan ruin, the gardens and the always entertaining hall of mirrors. And, of course we saw the signature statue of Jesus that serves as the local landmark for the entire city. It was a great day!

By the way, $1,000 later we did get the new autorefractor out of Customs yesterday. Because of the generosity of all of our supporters we were able to cover the cost. WE THANK YOU, WGO thanks you, all the eye doctors who will use it thank you, and of course all the Hondurans that benefit from it thank you too.

As long as we are at it, we would like to thank each of the ten churches that sent people from their congregations to be a part of this team. Your support is so important and we do not take it for granted. Not only are the physical and spiritual needs of Hondurans being met, but North American believers are being impacted too. We will return to the USA as more useful workers in God's kingdom.

We are all feeling well and looking forward to closing out the week at our next medical Serve Team site. Keep praying for us!  



And a bonus photo from the balcony of the Mission House