Thank God for helpful airline ticket agents! Really. Thank Him!
The portion of the team flying out of Chicago had their flight delayed due to inclement weather, which meant that we missed our connection in Miami. The American Airlines agents in Chicago tried their best to get us rebooked to go from Miami to Tegucigalpa on Sunday, but they were only able to get four of us scheduled for Sunday and 21 for Monday. So all 25 of us took off from Chicago with the hope that we would be able to find a better solution in Miami.
In Miami the customer service agents searched every option, some of which we weren't inclined to take such as flying through Bogota or San Salvador. The good news is that they were able to put three more of us on American and the rest on Copa Airlines with a connection in Panama, which means we will all make it to Tegucigalpa on Sunday. The bad news is that the Copa flights were at 5:00 am and 6:54 am! So much for a good night's sleep in Miami.
Seven of us are still in Miami as I write this blog post, but we have word that the other 18 got on their planes to Panama. It's our understanding that everyone from Colorado and other parts all made it to Tegucigalpa on Saturday, which means … "we are getting there."