We started out the day with the kids during chapel. One of the Counselors gave an excellent devotional talk about how every person at the Ranch is important and has a role to play as a member of the Rancho Ebenezer 'team'. It was fun and engaging for the kids and adults alike.
Today was a special day for Terry since it was her birthday. We feted her with Happy Birthday in Spanish at dinnertime and Karen was thoughtful to bring a special treat in place of a birthday cake.
Our work day started with an assembly line production of some boards for the playground equipment. Tom sawed, Martin routed, Terry sanded and Karen painted on the wood preservative. (She has been a little giddy ever since.)
The rest of the day saw Tom and Martin digging post holes for the balance beam while Terry and Karen installed the rest of the bolts to support the climbing platforms. Here are a few photos to keep you up to date.