Thursday, January 23, 2020

Beginning and Ending a Day With Beauty

For the second day in a row we had a beautiful sunrise. Today's was accented by wispy clouds trapped among the hills and valleys that shape the city of Tegucigalpa. But a sunny day wasn't the only beauty that we experienced today.

Working in a much smaller church than they did during the first part of the week, Team A witnessed some miraculous healings in the evangelism stations. A woman who had legs that were crooked and unable to bend properly at the knees was, after receiving prayer, able to first kneel down and then walk out of the brigade on her own. She is probably still singing God's praises. It is very reminiscent of the healing of the lame man at the temple in Acts 3:6-10. Wow, what a beautiful thing!

Team B worked in a much larger church, and although we didn't experience the same kind of miracles that Team A did, we were able to serve a very large number of people. The facilities were nice and the church workers were gracious. It was a good day all around.

Both teams did painting projects and water filter installations today, which were also rewarding experiences. We are looking forward to great things on our last day tomorrow.

Please pray for our safe travel home on Saturday. We are looking forward to seeing all of you and telling you more about our special week in Honduras.


Team A Children's Ministry

Mary and Abby painting

Martin, Mary and Debbie after installing a water filter in this Honduran home
Tim Anderson with Noe his translator in evangelism

Chris on the autorefactor

Team B medical

Team B medical

Team B medical - note the large crowd of patients

Ron and Julie in Evangelism