Thursday, April 19, 2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Rancho Ebenezer Team

Flashback to Tuesday!  Last night the Lord treated us to an awesome display of stars as the skies cleared after several cloudy days.  Orion ... the Big Dipper ... they looked so much closer than they do at home, and a reminder that we are in the hands of an almighty God no matter where we are!

Today the fencing project continued with Ron, Terry, Jennifer, and Ken. Thankfully, they were able to get things started with the concrete mixer, but then had to haul it bucket by bucket up the steep slope to our pre-dug fence post holes. Amazingly, they were able to set 24 fence posts this morning - praise God for the strength He gave!

Nancy has been faithfully tutoring a student who is working very hard to catch up scholastically to her age peers, and today she was proud to complete a big math project - check it out. She dreams of becoming a veterinarian, and it’s a privilege to be helping her to move ahead in her classes.

The rest of us continued to work on the big library project.  It’s been fun to work at the school because we can also see some of the kids’ activities, like watering the garden that helps to  supply fresh food for everyone ... or enjoying the announcement of the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade science fair winners.  

It’s a blessing to know that we can help these precious kids realize their big dreams, and we thank all of you for supporting the team’s work here this week!