Tuesday, April 17
Rancho Ebenezer
Ron and Sue went from house to house, to school, to office ... installing the smoke alarms we had brought along as part of our project supplies for the week. It’s a good feeling to know the kids are safer with those in place!
Terry and Doreen helped move the fencing project along by painting a big batch of metal posts with rust-resistant paint — so important in this humid climate!
Patti has been making hay in the library all day - so many books to process :) - with the rest of us joining her at various times. (It’s such fun to come across a favorite book - Jennifer even found Dick & Jane!)
And later this afternoon, the sun finally came out after a stretch of cloudy days, and we all basked in its warmth for a a little bit. Thank you, Lord, for sunshine today and for the eternal sunshine in store for all your children.